
Home Vendors Gigaset
Gigasetis an internationally operating company in the area of communications technology. The company is Europe’s market leader in DECT telephones and is also a leader in the international arena, with around 900 employees and sales activities in around 50 countries. Its business activities comprise not only DECT phones, but also an extensive smartphone portfolio, cloud-based smart home security, convenience and assistance solutions, and business telephony solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. Learn more

About vendor

Gigaset AG, Munich, is an internationally operating holding company in the area of communications technology. Its main subsidiary is Gigaset Communications GmbH, which is wholly owned by Gigaset AG.Gigaset sees itself as an end-to-end provider of communications technology. The company has around 900 employees and operates in more than 50 countries. Gigaset AG is headed by its CEO Dr. Magnus Ekerot.


In 2019, Gigaset AG posted revenue from continuing operations of €217,1 million and EBITDA of €16,5 million and alsogrew in all its new business segments (Smartphones, Smart Home, and Professional).Gigaset AG is listed in the Prime Standard of Deutsche Börse and is therefore subject to the highest transparency requirements. Its shares are traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol GGS (ISIN: DE0005156004.


Gigaset develops, produces and sells products in four core areas which together form the Gigaset ecosystem. The eco system is a fully integrated technological system consisting of individual components that are seamlessly interlinked and in interaction with strategic partners and external third parties represent a decisive added value for customers. The development, production and distribution of DECT Cordless Phonesfor consumers are the core business of Gigaset. Gigaset offers the most comprehensive product range of all telephony manufacturers in this business area and occupies price points from the low to premium segment. Gigaset is Europe’s market leader and also ranks among the top five producers internationally.


Gigaset is producing Smartphonessince 2016. Together with the Singapore-based Goldin Fund Pte. Ltd., the company runs Gigaset Mobile, which operates in the mobile phone, smartphone, and accessory segments. Mobile devices represent a logical extension of the product range from the Phones portfolio. Gigaset focuses on products in the low to medium price segment using the Android®operating system. Gigaset launched the first smartphone “Made in Germany” in mid-2018 and has since then continuously developed further smartphones with this USP.


Gigaset entered the Smart Homemarket back in 2012. The company relies on a sensor-based and modular approach that can be adapted and modified by the customer at any time. Continuous updates and further developments of the products are ensured by the associated cloud and app technology. The company is currently focusing on following application areas: Smart Security, Smart Comfort and Smart Care.


In addition to the broad range of products in the B2C segment, Gigaset also offers products in the Professional segment (B2B) for business customers who require professional communications solutions. This product segment includes the company ́s own pro series, which provides high-quality desktop and mobile telephony solutions, based on IP, as well as scalable single- and multi-cell systems for SMEs and enterprise customers. In addition white label products under third-party brands are sold via Gigaset.

Vendors catalogue
SKU: S30852-H2975-R102
7890 UAH*
in stock
Anyone expecting from a phone the slimline design of a smartphone and the technology of a professional DECT mobile device need look no further than the Gigaset SL800H PRO. It is the smallest and most lightweight cordless phone in the Gigaset Professional portfolio and features large colour display, superb sound quality and excellent battery.
SKU: S30852-H2974-R102
5718 UAH*
in stock
When things are taking a little longer at work, a resilient phone is called for. The Gigaset S700H PRO can be relied upon at all times: The extra-long standby time, and the sturdy surface on which not even disinfectants stand a chance, are standout features.
SKU: S30852-H2716-R101
27600 UAH*
in stock
Type: base; Compatibility: Gigaset
SKU: S30853-H4008-R101
5999 UAH*
in stock
The Gigaset Maxwell 2 IP phone is a professional multifunctional communication tool. Built-in business-class sound reproduction functions provide professional-level conferencing both with the use of a telephone handset and in hands-free mode. Maxwell 2 is equipped with a large black and white display and a navigation button that provides convenient access to the necessary settings.
SKU: L36280-Z4-X765
999 UAH*
in stock
Type: power supply; Compatibility: Gigaset
SKU: S30853-H4061-R101
4999 UAH*
in stock
Type: System Console; Compatibility: Gigaset
SKU: S30853-H4003-R101
5999 UAH*
in stock
Tube: wired; Type: IP Phone; Number of lines: 2; Connection interfaces: USB, RJ-9; Audio codecs: G.722, iLBC, G.711A/u, G.726-32; Color: black;
SKU: S30852-H2217-R101
3999 UAH*
in stock
Type: base; Compatibility: Gigaset
SKU: S30852-H2315-R101
13999 UAH*
in stock
Type: Controller; Compatibility: Gigaset
SKU: L36280-Z4-X706
999 UAH*
in stock
Type: power supply; Compatibility: Gigaset
SKU: S30852H2801S301
899 UAH*
in stock
The new model has the necessary set of functions, without any extravagances, which, in turn, brings the model to the first places in terms of retail price in comparison with analogues of other manufacturers. DECT Gigasets symbolize the technical skill and high quality of German products, which are appreciated all over the world.
SKU: S30852-H2714-R101
7600 UAH*
out of stock
The Base station IP-DECT N670 IP Pro is a device used in the telecommunications industry to establish and maintain wireless communication networks.
SKU: S30853-H4002-R101
2999 UAH*
out of stock
Tube: wired; Type: IP Phone; Number of lines: 2; Connection interfaces: RJ-9; Audio codecs: G.722, iLBC, G.711A/u, G.726-32; Color: black;
SKU: L36280-Z4-X557
999 UAH*
out of stock
Type: power supply; Compatibility: Gigaset


New items
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В період тимчасового дефіциту найпопулярнішого телефону IP+DECT Gigaset C530A (до речі, очікуємо їх вже у вересні) зверніть увагу на Gigaset A540 IP.
Gigaset N870IP Pro - бездротовий телефонний зв’язок корпоративного класу, «не за всі гроші світу», доступний зі складу ERC.
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Відомий виробник бездротових DECT компанія Gigaset у вересні 2015 року розпочала виробництво смартфонів. А у 2018-му ухвалено рішення зробити тріумфальний крок із трьома моделями для різних користувачів.
Ми вже розглянули два із трьох смартфонів Gigaset, а саме Gigaset GS100 та Gigaset GS185. І хочеться сказати, що всі представлені смартфони відповідають європейським стандартам, як у дизайні так, і у технічній начинці. Отож, сьогоднішня...
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